Monday, January 23, 2012

Trivia Night Returns!

Alan Lovett has returned to James Squire to provide entertainment and plenty of fun with his witty humour and tricky trivia! Trivia night is held every Wednesday night at 7.30- Click here to find out more!

Here's what Alan had to say about last weeks event:

Hi all,

A good night last Wednesday with lots of laughs and a really good feeling in the room. Despite a last minute lunge by the wonderfully named Sex and Drugs and Sausage Rolls, Quizarific recorded a solid win. Hmmm... they’re good. We’re going to have to find a team to take them on.

This week's advance question is a two-pointer...
Name the only African American woman and the only Australian woman to win Best Actress Oscars?

I’ll see you on Wednesday - it’s not a bad idea to book: 9606 0644. The staff are happy to keep a regular booking for your team but please let them know if you’re not going to be there.


Alan Lovett | MTP (Most Trivial Person)
Melbourne Trivia Company
03 9372 5598 0419 599 372